Bee Breeders | Birdly Legendary Bird Home Competition Entry | Shortlisted
In collaboration with Wilfred Rodriguez
Inspired by the playfulness, structure and clarity of the work of Piet Mondrian, the X + O Birdhouse is a modular take on the traditional birdhouse. Aimed at simplicity and flexibility X + O is collectively a series of cubes, all with the possibility of subdivisions and expansions. The primary cube structure is devised of four precut 3/4” cedar panels, which divide the volume into eight separate modules. Each of the modules can be customized to hold up to four living chambers through the use of the ‘X’ system. These X’s can be placed both horizontally and vertically, and provide ventilation through 1/2” cuts at all corners. Each cube has the option to be fully or partially enclosed, using a series of 3 types of panels that slot into place on the main structure providing a multitude of entrance options. Entry holes of either 2” or 4” diameter encourage the user to create their own nesting options. The frame, panel and X construction utilize friction joints to minimize the need of tools, requiring only a mallet and wood glue and the option for further customization with the use of a drill.
Like a game of tick-tac-toe, the X + O Birdhouse becomes fully customizable as the individual determines where to put their X’s and O’s. The kit comes in two options - standing or hanging - to accommodate any home or landscape. Additionally, a prefabricated acrylic modular bath and feeder is included in every kit, creating a multifunctional bird habitat enticing for both curious children and the bird expert alike. We understand the importance of providing sensible materials for our feathered friends which is why X + O birdhouse uses naturally insect and rot resistant premium cedar. This provides sustainability without compromising the safety and structural integrity of the birdhouse for years to come. We hope the X + O Birdhouse will inspire the user to create their own habitable Mondrian painting within their own backyard.