Ground Overlay

Olneyville, Providence, RI
As a historic core of industry Olneyville has developed strong ties with the Woonasquatucket River; a natural source fueling unnatural outcomes. A once vibrant commercial center, Olneyville has become an impermeable island. The natural and industrial history of the area must be preserved, as the streets and open spaces must be returned to the pedestrian.
With the elimination of vast amounts of concrete and the recreation of the wetlands, the river can again become the focus of town. This expanse of the natural creates a poetic juxtaposition between the rigid industrial mills left from the past and the surrounding landscape, compelling the community to encounter and reflect on these two contrasting elements, which together built the town of Olneyville.
As parking lots are wiped out and greenery begins to grow in their place, these historic mills become monuments to the city. Major thoroughfares begin to accumulate density, reigniting street life as shops, restaurants and catered outdoor spaces draw pedestrians back to the area.
Housing filters into the green and along these public corridors. Organized in neighborhood blocks, housing expands the community to its front doors. Built to bridge this juxtaposition between the natural and the industrial, the structures hard vertical street facades unfold into a mix of stepped terraces opening onto the green; in essence a geode. Lines between public and private become blurred, and a tightly knit community is formed.

Impermeable vs Natural

Entering Olneyville

Olneyville Commons | Return to the Wetlands

Hard vs Soft | Creating the Masterplan

Masterplan & Phasing Diagram

Perspective sketch | The Geode

Unit Plans | The Geode

Geode Elevation

Perspective | The Geode | Central Green

Perspective | The Promenade

Unit Plans | The Promenade

Street Elevation

Perspective | The Street


The Model

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